March 31, 2008

The Forgotten People

The Forgotten People

I have always felt we, the First Nations, the true original founders of this land are The Fogotten People. Oprah Winfrey and other programs talk about never forgetting the horrors of the Holocaust. Indeed, the Holocaust, the deliberate extermination of six million European Jews, men, women and children, must be remembered for the horrible inhuman nightmare that it was !

BUT no one remembers us - No one remembers our history, the history of many different First Nations, and the slaughter of our innocent men, women and children.

The Holocaust, as horrible as it was, lasted only a few short years during World War II and is over. There is no denying that scars remain from that tragedy but many, if not most, Jewish families have rebuilt and prospered.

We, on the otherhand, endured slaughter and disdain for decades. Our women and children were scalped by Europeans for money and sport. We were seen as vermin to be cleared out to make way for the white settlers and the railways.

Most of us were pushed out of our traditional lands into desolate worthless scrublands called reservations, which were then quickly whittled down to the tiniest fractions of the original allotments when the land was later deemed to be valuable after all.

And when the slaughter subsided they cut out our hearts and threw them on the ground by declaring us unfit to raise our own offspring. They removed our precious children from our families and communities and placed them in cold, unloving residential schools or adopted them out to white families who had no understanding what our children needed to thrive. Here they were taught to hate their cultures, their own families, their very skin !

Though, throughout the centuries, a few indivuals may have prospered, we, as a people, still endure abuse, poverty and disdain in our own land. Many of us live in isolated communities where 3rd world standards are allowed to persist. And, in the cities, we are oftened shunned and herded into substandard housing.

Where are our faces on TV and in commercials? Why do companies see White, Black and Asian children and families worthy to sell their products but not ours? Why are we not talk show hosts? Why is most of our talent relegated to specialty Aboriginal stations? And all you have to do is read the newspapers to understand how much we are misunderstood and looked down upon for being.

Are we so wothless that our history is not worthy to be remembered? I think not!

For this reason I will begin to to post information of our history so that we, and other who might view this site, will know and will remember.

We are misunderstood because our history has been forgotten. As the Forgotten People, we must remember our own history and be proud of our heroes. And I pray others will read this site and see, what I know to be true: WE are Worthy to be Remembered.

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